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Portaler is the AKS mapping tool for tracking the ever-shifting Roads of Avalon. All members can contribute to and use Portaler. With all our members contributing as they roam, we will always have high visibility of the available activities in the roads from our hideout.

Setting up Portaler

In order to access Portaler, you will need to request the portaler role on Discord. Ask an officer to receive the role.

  1. Go to Our Portaler Instance
  2. Log in with Discord


Set home zone as preferred under settings. It is recommended to turn off automatic map refresh. Below is the setting to have our Roads Hideout as home

Portaler config.png

Using Portaler


Use the refresh button before starting to plan a route. Using "refresh" and then "home" is usually a good start to finding where you want to go

Nodes can be dragged to organize the map as you wish. The positioning will be changed upon a refresh. Each refresh will place the nodes differently on the screen

Mapping Routes

A route is mapped by entering a start zone, end zone, a portal size, and the time left on the link. You can click a node on the map to automatically fill in the "From" field.


Mapping this link from our home

Example portal in game.png

Enter as shown

Portaler entry.png

And the link will be created

Portaler link.png